Is Efteling Golf Park open?
Yes, the Efteling Golf Park is now open again.
Yes, the Efteling Golf Park is now open again.
Unfortunately, we currently do not have a confirmed time frame as to when the CARO theatre production will be available to book. We will be monitoring the developments surrounding Covid-19 closely, and only when there is more information about the restrictions and when they will be lifted, will Efteling be able to reconsider the future of the theatre show. Any updates on this matter will communicated on this page.
Efteling will automatically be cancelling and issuing refunds for all tickets reserved for the theatre show during the period in which CARO was unable to be staged as a result of Covid-19. Please note the refund processing time may take longer than usual during these circumstances.
For more information or to book please call us on 0330 880 5145.
©Efteling 2023